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Thursday, April 6, 2023
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Blog Journal #9
I enjoyed EME2040. It is so hard to believe that it is almost over! Time goes by fast when you are having fun. I was in an online section of the class. Being asynchronous allowed for me to be more flexible and I could really take it at my own pace. It is great as a student. I imagine it could be difficult for an instructor since student usually submit their assignments at the last minute, but it is what it is.
Open educational resources are teaching/learning materials made for teachers to be able to easily use them in their classrooms. They are usually licensed so teachers do not have to worry about getting in trouble with copyright and such, learning cannot be copyrighted. This website allows for teachers to easily search throughout all the OERs. It also hosts a community so you can communicate with other teachers as well.
Powerpoint is a little difficult for me to use. Word and excel are the hardest however, since in high school I was supposed to get Microsoft office certified, thankfully COVID hit and I never had to finish. In hindsight, those skills would still be pretty useful as a teacher, oh well. So I Had an organic chemistry 2 exam tomorrow, Monday the 3rd, so I was pushing this classes assignments to the last minute. After doing some grade calculations, the only way I do not get an F on my transcript is if I drop the class. So I submitted the late assignment token so I do not have a screenshot right now but I will when I complete it. The assignment is great for teaching future educators how to make a good ppt.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Blog Journal #8
The web design assignment taught me a lot of things. There are many small ways to make a website that makes your life easier as a teacher. The web design assignment was a little bit difficult to do on weebly. I felt like that resource was a bit outdates, I am sure there are easier ways to make a website. Here is my website :p
I also feel like Diigo is an older website that could use more updating. I think the website is not super clear to navigate, while I do enjoy the concept it could definitely be better done. I live the fact that it can keep a class or a group of teacher together to be updated on materials. Diigio would make collaborating on a research project very easy thanks to the annotate feature.
So I really like Padlet a lot because it is really new and makes a perfect online portfolio. It is really easy to navigate through items and visualize each item. Using Padlet like a personal note would be note, so I can highlight important personal achievements so it will be easy to apply to gradschool. I did find Padlet enjoyable.
Keeping up with technology is really important. Having things like Continuing Education Credits would make keeping up with technology easier. There is a really big advantage to being up to date to making sure you can stay connected with your students. This is a blog to keep me updates with some new trends in educational technology!
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Blog Journal 7
Some school websites do not require teachers to add their own personal touch to an element of the website, in my opinion. On the official school website there are only ways to get in contact with the teacher. It was very hard for me to fid a website, since most teachers want their privacy, of course, and instances like Zoom Bombing have made them more aware of the topic. I was able to find one, but most school required the "website" to be on sites like Canvas, Schoolology, or Blackboard. There was a link to a google classroom but of course I did not have access. There was contact information and about page that gave some insight into her background. 
Mrs. Andrick
Using sites like Canvas to grade would make my teaching more efficient. Having a multiple choice exam, or even having fill-in-the blanks and having access to every answer on my laptop instead of piles of paper would make me more efficient. I could also see how having my students use technology could make their learning better. If they are having a tough time with a topic they can easily search for more help or I could direct them to a website where they could get help.
My experience with wiki sites was fine. I think the system is rudimentary enough so that everyone can navigate, that being said some tasks were a little confusing like adjusting the size of an imported picture. I would make a wiki for my students so they can have everything they need at their finger tips, even at home. I think having the class calendar is an amazing idea so there would be less forgetfulness. Making things accessible at home is great for students who maybe had a hard time focusing in class that day and have time to complete a task at home
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Journal 6
Diigo was not my favorite tool to use. I found the website very old, and not incredibly user-friendly. I do really enjoy the concept, having a platform where educators can share resources, however the site could be better. The Diigo platform would be better if it was updated. It was not super simple to use and I am sure it would be more popular if it was.
My experience with blogging has been positive. Like I had mentioned before, I used to use the exact blog in high school to journal my journey through a big, end of the year project. Blogger is so easy to use and very functional. I love using Blogger. "Blogs" like Twitter, do not like, because there are too many different types of people and accounts trying to get their messages across.
A Web 2.0 Tool I would like to implement in my classroom would be a wiki. It would be a really easy, and simple way to control my class. It would be very easy to edit, and keep under control, and closely monitor. Safety and security is my top priority in my classroom. Wiki sites are a 9/10 in my opinion, easy to control, easy to navigate, easy to get information off! Here is a site I and my classmates made in less than 30 minutes.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Journal 5
I never used Twitter growing up, and I do not even use Twitter now. I do not really understand it too well. I feel like people just post whatever thoughts pop in their head and it is kind of silly to me. The only reason I have Twitter now is for this class :). As an aspiring Physician Assistant, Twitter might be beneficial in promoting a business, but I also have a passion for public health and Twitter could be useful for posting important info.
The digital divide makes it harder for students access their schoolwork. Almost all schools have some sort of technology exclusive platform where students access homework and assignments or their grades. This makes it challenging for students with little to no access to computers and wifi to be at the same level as their peers who have steady access to technology and the internet. Just being mindful and aware of my students home situations and making sure that each one of my students have the resources to excel will make me a good teacher.
I definitely want my students using Microsoft office. Being proficient in such a software would help them greatly in navigating school. I also want to start teaching my kids basic coding. I think that having that background and basic understanding of coding would really help them in their careers.
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Journal #4
Happy Sunday 🐶
I chose the Computer Science (Microsoft Word) standard for 6-8th grade. The standard I chose is to think about and deduce why some assignments and tasks would be easier for a human to do than a computer. I do feel like I am prepared to implement this standard. I know that computers are not always prefect, and you cannot count on Microsoft Word spelling and grammar editor to make sure your syntax is actually correct.
I chose to search under Kindergarten Social Studies. The activity was locked, but it essentially is a coloring activity that goes along with a video to understand what the American flag looks like. I think this is great for Kindergarten, it is something really basic they should know. It is easy and stimulating for young children to be able to learn through technology and creativity.
In order to find exactly what you need, you should know hoe to be able to use advance search on Google. I did not know you could edit the colors for results when you search, this is helpful when you have to find color-specific items like a newsletter. In my school district growing up, Google was actually banned, so we had to use alternative search engines. My favorite was Duckduckgo.com since it did not track and sell your data.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Journal 3
Happy Sunday ☺
Copyright is type of ownership. If someone has a copyright to something, they own it. It can usually get into the hands of other people, because it could be an online source or a physical book that people can own a copy of. Just because you buy something that is copyrighted does not mean you can do just anything with it. You are not allowed to share it. Fair use is an act that gives people to use someone else's copyright as long as it is educational, within fair use. There are a lot limits to fair use, but it helps teachers teach their students. As a teacher, it would be hard to teach this concept to my students. It is really easy to assign a project and ten use graphics they have gotten online. If I said they could not do that than they might have trouble finding resources.
Cyberbullying is a terrifying concept. It saddens me so much to imagine being bullied. I think it is important to teach students to have limits. Maybe having social media in elementary school is not a good idea. Young children should not be online, no social media site is secure, and there are so many weirdos out there that know how to manipulate children. I would not allow my students to be on social media in my classroom, hopefully not be on their phones at all. I would also teach them that it is really scary, and it should be avoided if it can. Student privacy is also a hot topic. Especially now with cellphones that have cameras, teachers are taking more and more photos of children. Sometimes there are waivers parents can sign but its not enough. I would not allow other parents to come into my classroom and take pictures of their children if there were other students in the background.
The Newsletter design as pretty fun. I viewed it as an artistic outlet. It is really nice to try to convey your message in an aesthetic and personal way. Next time, I would start working on it, step away take some time and then come back to it with a fresh mind so that I could have a great final piece.
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Journal 2
I have been using Microsoft Word for almost all of my schooling. Admittedly, up until about second grade we were not using technology to complete assignments, we would just use computers to take quizzes on. I did have Apple products when I was younger, and my parents did not want to pay for the Microsoft Suite so I often used an app called Pages, but I would use Word in school. By the time I was in high school, using Google Docs was the bets because you did not have the physically save the document onto a hard drive and pick up where you left off. Now, I will usually start writing my papers on Docs, and once its time to format and such I will finish on Word to make sure everything is up to standards.
"Students creating podcasts" by shersh is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.
The ISTE standard that is most important to me is "2.3.b Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency." This standard means that an educator's duty is to cultivate a love for learning while ensuring that students are able to navigate technology which is ever so present in our society. I like this standard so much because it is implemented in K-12. Technology evolves so incredibly fast, and from the time someone is in Kindergarten to the time someone is about to start University or College, learning and teaching can change so much. From having physical workbooks and textbooks, to technology being a need in order to purse education, it is important to teach children digital literacy.
Digital natives are youths who are comfortably familiar with technology and the internet. Digital natives can navigate technology easily. One silly difference I notice between digital natives and digital immigrants is typing in "www." or "https://" into a search bar. It is not necessary, but something small I notice that not everyone knows about. Another difference is using shortcuts, especially on phones. For example, using Siri or using one's iPhone in a more efficient manner, digital immigrants sometimes have a bit of a hard time figuring it out. I anticipate a lot of differences between me and my future students. Like I mentioned earlier, technology is evolving at warp speed. By the time I get there who knows that types of technology and the challenges they will bring for me and my students (like ChatGPT).
The Newsletter assignment seems like a good introduction into how time consuming and in depth simple assignments can be. Teachers have to go through a lot to ensure that their students have material that is concise, appropriate, well-done, and actually helpful. Leaving out some components can make a teacher and their students life harder. I would like to include in my newsletter more information on how to study well. I think I will probably target 5th graders or middle schoolers, since they are about to start experiencing new teaching styles as they become older and more mature. Their grades will be dependent more on them studying and working on problems by themselves, learning in class will not be the only way they practice. I have never designed a newsletter, but I know in order to make an appealing newsletter I would need to take my time and ensure that it visually looks good so my students actually want to use the resource.
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Journal #1
Good Evening :)
Welcome to my blog. I am sure you are wondering what is up with the older posts on here. In high school, I was in AICE media studies where I had a big final project that I was required to keep my teacher updated constantly, so we made blog posts on blogger.
A little about me, I am 20 years old and I am from Fort Lauderdale. My mom has two French Bulldogs that am obsessed with. I live here in Tallahassee with my wonderful boyfriend who is studying Chemical Engineering here. My major is Public Health with a minor in Education and Chemistry. I aspire to go to Physician Assistant school after I graduate, I hope that having some background in Public Health will make me a better PA.
When the world shut down for COVID in March of 2020, I was a senior in high school. We were initially just told that we were not going to come back after Spring Break for one week, and we we went almost 2 weeks with no instruction periods. Soon we all got on Microsoft Teams. Initially, it was a very hard adjustment. If you read back on some of my posts here, you can see how COVID impacted my project and myself. Using Zoom and Teams is now super common and super easy. There really was no choice but to adapt to 100% online, and now almost all classes have some online aspect.
The resources I most commonly use are Quizlet. I love Quizlet. I believe in order to really learn you need to memorize first, once it is in your head you can start using the words/terms/ideas and then you really integrate it into your learning. Another online resource me and every other FSU student is Canvas! There is really no good learning resources on Canvas, but documents and resources my Professors posts are really
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