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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Little Snippet For My Fans

This is what I managed to salvage from my trip.  I am not too happy with it.  This is not necessarily the sequence I will put it in, I just want to show you what I have. Again, I have not played with sound or lightning, nothing is edited.
Just to talk about some of the elements, this is my car.  I am 17 years old, so I am going to have "teenager" things in my car.  The air freshener is from "Rick and Morty" an adult cartoon aired on AdultSwim.  The little pink alien I have tied on the rearview mirror I bought at Cici's Pizza (one of my favorite places in the world, I pity you if you have not tried the absolutely amazing macaroni and cheese pizza, the brownies, and the D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S apple dessert pizza.

After research I have found there are no Cici's Pizza in England, thus none in Cambridge.  I advise that you buy a ticket right now and fly to the States so we can experience this together.  I will be 18 in June so let me know.
I digress.  All these elements represent the "teenager" that Samantha is, this comes with the quirkiness and rebelliousness that she will convey in the opening.

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