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Monday, March 23, 2020

yOU did what now??

    I was having a great "Corona-cation" and then I receive this text
If only you could have seen my face
I double-checked the website to make sure it was not fake news a lo and behold it is your official website. I must say I am impressed.  I do not believe Collegeboard made the right move in moving their tests online. Most schools are not in session, and not one person can lead me to believe that online classes are just as effective as in-person classes.  We were just going to start finishing our learning and start aggressively and rigorously reviewing concepts. Mock season was just around the corner. This is making it so real it is crazy. 
I have read countless stories about teachers assigning busywork once their course transitioned to online classes.  That is not the way it should be. I can bet my bottom dollar that that will certainly be the case for a decent number of teachers at Cypress Bay.  It'll be a cold day in hell before that is true for Tstok. I'm sure it will be business as usual for her.No one in my family has ever experienced anything similar to the situation we are in now. When you read this I hope you find yourself well and healthy and that things are at least starting to revert back to normal. Honestly, this is a wake-up call for America. There are billionaires buying islands to escape and nurses and doctors are dying because they don't have the equipment, gear, and supplies they need to combat and protect themselves from the virus.  
Anyways, I did not understand the update. Sitting exams are canceled, and I assume that this component will still be required, it will probably be a big grade. No pressure. So many people are unsure what this means. I need my AICE diploma so I can receive 100% Bright Futures. I do have 75% but that is not enough for me and parents to send me away to college. I am sure other people are in the same boat too.  I have devoted much to you and I know that you will do the thing that benefits the most people, whatever that may be. 

Love you ðŸ¥º

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